Welcome to Ayudham Society

Ayudham society is senior citizen home located in pollution free, eco-friendly green environment in the village Rewla Khanpur, near Najafgarh in Delhi South West.

It is boon to senior citizens where in they have access to health care services, balanced and simple food, personal attendant (if required), security, housekeeping, entertainment and spiritual programs etc. to make their life livable and pleasant. The society started functioning from the year 1993. It is a non government, non profitable & non religious organization.

It aims to provide best possible in terms of physical, emotional as well as spiritual care. Management committee of Ayudham Society comprises a group of doctors, businessmen and other professionals dedicated to empower & improve the quality of life of elders.

Ayudham Society - Eligibility Criteria/ Expulsion

The following requirements are desirable:-

  • All Indian citizens, NRI, irrespective of cast, creed, religion, language, province or culture.
  • Should be minimum 58 years of age (may be marginally less in exceptional cases).
  • Should be mentally and physically fit. Should not be bed ridden or needing intensive care at the time of admission.
  • Should be pleasant mannered, honest and a social mixer.
  • Should be willing to undergo and pass prescribed medical fitness test as desired by the management.
  • Expulsion

    Right of admission will be reserved at the discretion of management committee/ governing body of the Society. Any type of offensive behavior, commercial activity, subletting, gambling, rowdyism, prostitution, theft, willful damage to old age home premises of property and non payment of dues will result in summary physical expulsion. Any inmate may be expelled if any other three inmates give written complaints in writing and request his removal. This would be finally decided by the Managing Committee.

    Ayudham Society - Accomodation

    Ayudham RoomsThere are three categories of apartments based on residents financial position:-
  • Financially well off
  • Person with limited resources
  • Economically weaker section

  • Financially well off category : They are provided with room of 350 sqft approx with attached bathroom and kitchenette with front & back verandha
    Person with limited resources : Separate room of 250 sqft. with attached bathroom.
    Economically weaker section : Accommodation in dormitory having two residents with common bathroom/washroom.

    All the rooms are well furnished with appropriate fixtures. AC , coolers, invertors, TV, refrigerator, if desired, have to be installed by the residents themselves. Stand by generator is available for all residents.